August Webinars for the Health Data Equity Project: How to Read Your Scorecard for Data Quality
During this webinar, Rochester RHIO will review the data quality scorecards distributed to the Top 100 data sources in our region for race, ethnicity and sex/administrative gender. The values were compared against United States Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI v1) standards for each demographic data element. This effort is part of the Health Data Equity Project, which is funded by Greater Rochester Health Foundation.
What is the Health Data Equity Project? Rochester RHIO aims to improve the quality and completeness of the demographic data collected and shared in electronic health record systems across the region in an effort to reduce disparities in care. Rochester RHIO is collaborating with Common Ground to develop a community standard for demographic data collection and a training curriculum for documentation of race, ethnicity and gender through a process of community collaboration.
HDEP coincides with an upcoming SHIN-NY initiative to support a standardization of SHIN-NY data for meaningful patient intervention, care coordination, measurement, and reporting. The statewide goals for 2022-2023 are to include capturing and reporting on baseline conformance of race and ethnicity data to USCDI version 3.
There are many time slots available. Click on one of the times to register for the event.