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Yates County—Finger Lakes Area Counseling & Recovery Agency (FLACRA)

2021 Annual Report: 15 Stories for 15 Years
“Sometimes you need other windows into a patient to provide the best treatment,” says Danielle Tilden, chief quality and clinical integration officer for Finger Lakes Area Counseling & Recovery Agency (FLACRA).FLACRA
FLACRA serves adults, children and families in Monroe, Wayne, Ontario, Seneca, Steuben, and Yates counties who have been affected by behavioral health disorders. Its wide range of services include residential, outpatient support, housing, and crisis response.
Hospital discharge orders can be confusing to individuals—especially during a crisis. Behavioral health challenges, cognitive decline, and general misunderstanding sometimes get in the way of an individual sharing their medical or behavioral health ED and hospitalizations with ongoing treatment.
“When individuals allow Rochester RHIO consent, they give us insight into care received through other community providers,” says Tilden. “If they have a health event, RHIO Alerts provide critical information to help care teams deploy and offer the support for an individual in need.”
Through RHIO Alerts, clinical teams receive near real-time notifications of patient admission and discharge from regional hospitals, as well as those in other parts of New York State. 
A great example of alerting’s value was when a person went home on a weekend pass, and subsequently reported having suffered from the flu. FLACRA learned through a RHIO Alert that the individual had actually experienced an overdose while away.  The staff was quickly able to work with the person to develop and provide the appropriate interventions and support.
“RHIO helps us provide the right care at the right time and in the right setting,” said Tilden.